Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Clifford & Charlene {One and Only True Love}

We met Clifford and Charlene the first time during their engagement shoot we did at Irene Farm. They were referred to us through Charlene's brother Lanche, whom we have known since our first year at University. They were a friendly and comfortable couple to work with and they both had a love-love relationship with the camera {phew}. We knew that they would be just as spontaneous during their wedding photos and was already excited for that prospect.

We learnt that Clifford and Charlene has their relationship and love for one another rooted in God and saw them exhibit such pure devotion to God and to each other. We felt fortunate to be tasked with the function of trying to accurately capture this relationship and their special wedding day.

Clifford en Charlene - jul troue was 'n absolute fees om deel van te wees en ons het net so lekker saam met julle en jul gaste gekuier. Mag elke oomblik van jul huwelik saam 'n avontuur wees en jul altyd aan God se Woord vashou vir leiding. Onthou om altyd jul liefde vir mekaar te verklaar, in woord en in daad.

Geniet die fotos!

Lerone & Mauritz

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